Friday, August 16, 2013

Doctor... My Body Hurts. There's Pain Each Joint... What's Causing Doing the same?

Joint Pain causes is needed divided into several groups.

Infections such as intestinal (in particular, parvovirus) can cause a make of arthritis. Bacteria such as gonococcus (the bug which in turn causes gonorrhea) and Borrelia, the organism which then Lyme disease, are well known infectious causes for Joint Pain.

Trauma 's an obvious cause. This can vary from an athletic injury occurring the lot more than 30 years ago leading to osteoarthritis in the knee to their whiplash injury that happened yesterday funding total body stiffness also pain today!

Disorders on the blood are an uncommon but important grounds for Joint Pain. Leukemia and lymphoma can present as injury. Often fever, sweats, and body wrap weight loss accompany the pains... but not always. Multiple myeloma- a malignancies that affects the plasma cells writing on the various blood- causes ill-defined Joint Pains. Sickle-cell anemia and hemophilia both being associated with arthritis. A blood disorder i am grateful excess iron in the blood- hemochromatosis- strengthens causing both cirrhosis of the liver besides an unusual type dismissed from arthritis.

Endocrine problems can cause injury. For example, growth hormone excess is recognized as acromegaly. This is a cause of terrible arthritis. Thyroid hormone deficiency also causes injury that mimic the indications of fibromyalgia

Closely related to endocrine causes add some metabolic disease like gout and pseudogout inflicting inflammatory types of arthritis.

The largest category of causes of injury is arthritis. Wear and tear arthritis- termed osteoarthritis- is one of common form of arthritis. This arthritis is i am grateful premature wearing away associated cartilage, the gristly that protects the total of long bones. Osteoarthritis most often troubles weight bearing areas much like the neck, low back, hips, and knees. It also affects the extremities. More autoimmune types of arthritis looks like systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, polymyalgia rheumatica, psoriatic joint pain, and rheumatoid arthritis might result in severe total body injury in the joints. These autoimmune diseases have more inflammation associated with them. In addition, constitutional symptoms since the low grade fever, body wrap weight loss, sweats, and fatigue are generally.

Finally soft tissue rheumatoid arthritis - termed fibromyalgia- is a very common reason for a person to have "total body Joint Pain". With not a a life-threatening disorder, fibromyalgia syndrome, which is often associated with fatigue, short term memory loss, "fibro fog", and bladder and bowel disturbance is is needed debilitating.


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