Saturday, November 30, 2013

TMJ Symptoms - 7 Self - help Questions to Identify TMJ!

Temporo-Mandibular Joint disorder that you simply TMJ in short is a condition that arises from damage to the joint of the name, which links the lower jaw the remainder of the skull. The damage can be caused by a high impact from a major accident or injury, or the result of wear from bruxism, clenching teeth and jaws or para-functional habits over some time.

Either way, TMJ results in distress and difficulties during the functioning within the bones or the muscles related joint. There are a number of painful conditions usually mystified for TMJ. So do not jump to conclusions based on the presence of just simpler TMJ symptoms. It is always better to get outlined properly.

Try to answer what follows questions. Remember the bars you answered yes get write them down to make certain future reference. When you visit consult a qualified dentist office, remember to carry it with you. It will help that you could not miss out anything important while speak to him.

  1. Do you have a dull pain with a backlash which doesn't seem to be concentrated in any particular organ of the face?

  2. Do there exists pain in your bubble gum and jaw?

  3. Do there exists any difficulties in closing or opening the tooth? (for example - when chewing, talking or going for a bite)

  4. Do you hear quite or grating sounds when dogging jaw or turning your system neck sideways?

  5. When you wake up 'm, do u have hassle, regular headaches or ear aches?

  6. Do you become pain or pressure within jaws, inside your ears and in/behind astigmatism?

  7. If you answered yes to any of the following above questions, have you been nutrition regular neck pain or low back pain after the symptoms originated?

Now, if you answered yes to in excess of two questions, it advisable to get yourself reviewed for TMJ disorder. Each question contains a set of TMJ symptoms, but the existence of a few does simply confirm TMJ. Often, pain which has to do with sinus is mistaken with regards to the TMJ symptoms and the opposite. Proper testing procedures will help avoid this.


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